Courses “Sensory analysis of meat products”

WITH 12 by 22 January 2019 , at the request of the Private Joint Stock Company “MHP” SRI Consulting Center ONAFT organized and conducted training program: “Sensory analysis of meat products”. Lectures and laboratory studies conducted in the laboratory of sensory analysis accredited teachers, professionals in the industry. I would like to note, According to data rates that trend held for the first time in our academy (and I can say with confidence, that country too!!!).

From students and staff Consulting Center Research Institute expresses its gratitude to teachers, taking part in courses - Ph.D., OB Tkachenko, Assoc. Kamenev NV, Assoc. Titloviy AA, Assoc. Solecki AD, Assoc. Kiselovu SV. so Assoc. Gural LS. on the knowledge and experience!!! For lectures were also invited Anatoly Malinowski - known restaurateur and his invitation was a tour of the restaurant to the best of our city - Doors.

We also want students podyakuvataty the energy courses, interest, knowledge and emotions, we received!!!. It was really very interesting to work with you! Sure, this is just the beginning of further cooperation Consulting Center Research Institute of Odessa National Academy of Food Technology and Private Joint Stock Company "MHP"!